Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What It Looks Like When Your Own Son Is Drowning

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To read the article, go here.


  1. A couple years ago, I almost drowned as an adult. Nobody I was with even noticed except for one of my guy friends, who literally saved my life by dragging me out of the river. Everyone was like "How did you know she needed help? We thought she was fine!" and my friend said, "I could only tell by the look in her eyes."

    By far the scariest thing that's ever happened to me. Ever since then I'm hyper-vigilant about water safety, for myself and friends of all ages. I'm so glad your son's story has a happy ending as well. This is a really important topic, thanks for sharing.

  2. as a child I decided to jump off the highboard..I was alone..i went into the water and paniced I had opened my eyes and mouth thinking I had surfaced..but I was still under water I nearly drowned no one came to my rescue somehow I managed to get to the edge of the pool..also I didn't know how to swim I was only 7.i had angels with me for sure

  3. This is absolutely terrifying. Thanks for sharing your story. Now that my little can swim, I'm a little more relaxed in the water with her, but this is a good reminder that nothing is a good substitute for constant vigilance.
